Angels From The Sky

After a very long gap here I am once again. 
I want to start this post from the very first thing came to my mind when i was officially treated as an intellectual one lol though I started assuming everything from the day one my mind stabled to its position. DAUGHTERS the word sounds so magical that brings sweet smile on our lips and joys in our hearts. A little girl wearing frocks sharing mama's cosmetics heels and clothes, like an angel from the sky,but here you people will call me a pessimist may be but trust me I'm really not. In Pakistani context daughter is a burden nothing else saying this being a daughter of the best parents of the Planet.The day daughters born we started praying for their good luck as they have to move on to their In.laws. They always treated as Praya Dhan (thing we have to give others) but in my case everything was opposite. Usually people take orient as very passive illiterate ill-mannered in fact everything that is bad always associated with us but in my case there was nothing like this my parents are special one I know you people find all this boring or may be unconcerned but i just want to share stuff that a girl bears being a daughter, wife and daughter the most sensitive relationships i must say. Being a daughter is the best thing one could have like prestigious life in fact life like a princess but turning into a wife and a daughter in law turns your life totally into another life. A lot of insecurities we girls have, dependability lies here, for instance, for the sake of proving our self as a perfect wife we have to sacrifice a lot of stuff  our likes and dislikes changes according to our husbands choice we have to cook good food for them so that they can love us more. This is all what our society tagged  a perfect wife. We have to wake up before our husbands, iron their clothes prepare their food, giving then sexual relief,   and pamper them like a little baby. Personally I would love to do all this to my husband but tagging makes me question everything. I'm here concerned only  with brown people. But we have two types of husband here in Pakistan the ones who are actually dominating treat their wives as a piece of property or an animal they own. The other ones i've seen in my life as a father as a brother and a husband obviously.Fathers who are proud of their daughters and spend their whole life making our life easier brighter and luxurious.Brothers who are a part of this patriarchal societies but still support their sisters to go out and earn money for  themselves and last but not the least husbands of the best types who encourages their wives to do everything the want to do. Here I am as an example doing everything I ever wanted.  So the basic purpose of writing this blog is making everyone aware that we are daughters we are angels we are delicate adorable lovable. Love us don't try to break us we are flexible we bend but never break. I don't know whether i succeeded in conveying my message to you guys or not but this is a diary of an ordinary girl.Its about how i feel about things going around me there are several sub.fields of being a girl.Its complicated its difficult and we are an expert being great women.My message to all the women reading this, please know your worth live your life and  don't regret anything. You are beautiful in every way whether your fat ugly tall or whatever tags society gives you.You are what you wanted to be. You are  women with grace in your veins remember we bend but never break.well Goodnight my readers thank you so much for bearing me and keeping your interest in my words. 
Love Annie 
By the way Annie is my pet name. 
Bub bye!